Saturday, January 8, 2011

Kids Stuff: Kick Legends and Oxfords

Somehow or other I want nothing more than to have little boys running around in solid leather shoes.  I haven't made it happen yet, other than some used saltwater sandals.  Something about how they grow through shoes so fast makes it hard to justify.  I hope someday I do this one without trying to justify it, but for now I just look and like a lot.  What's your philosophy for kids' shoes?

1 comment:

  1. It's a good idea to periodically check your Kids Baby Shoes to make sure what they're wearing is still working for them.

    Look for particularly worn areas, or stressed seams. If the sides are bulging or wearing out more quickly than the rest of the shoe, then they may not be wide enough. Toes that bend upwards are also a sign of shoes that don't fit properly, and worn out toes or heels can also mean it's time for a new pair of shoes.



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