Friday, June 15, 2012

June Purples

I've wrapped up what promises to be my only wedding for the summer.  (I am not terribly sad about this.  Pregnancy is not kind to me.)  And I'm bracing myself for a few more bouts of intense craziness before June is over.  My brain is mush.  But the wedding turned out well, and the bride loved her bouquet (always the clincher.)  I hope I get to see the photographer's shots, because I was too busy running around being ridiculous to take any decent ones myself.



And here's what I mean by ridiculous.  I had a bouquet delivered to the temple around 10:30 am, and my plan was to then zip over to the reception center and unload and set up before and during the wedding luncheon.  The entire production was an hour north of my house, so when I left in the morning I had my minivan stuffed to the gills with flowers ($$$) that needed to be kept reasonably cool, if not downright cold.  I arrived at the reception center and was told they wouldn't be ready for me until 4pm.  My fuzzy, passive maternity brain just said "ok" and I drove to my parent's house trying to formulate a plan to keep the flowers cool without spending 3 hours unloading and reloading them by myself.  I figured I'd park in my parent's garage, and take their spare vehicle to buy a dozen blocks of ice in an attempt to turn my van into a cooler.  It was a faulty plan, but it was all I had.

I arrived at my parents' and my dad's 1 ton motorcycle was parked in the middle of the garage, and their spare vehicle was hooked up to the horse trailer.  I couldn't move the motorcycle by myself.  (And I tried, and it was a bad idea)  and I started panicking; making SOS phone calls and crying so hard nobody could understand me.  I ended up leaving my van running in my parent's driveway (to keep the A/C on) and taking the truck AND horse trailer to the grocery store to buy copious amounts of ice.  Finally I touched base with the wedding party, and they smoothed things over with the reception center so that I could come sooner, and from there on out things were looking much brighter.



I shall be having nightmares about keeping hydrangeas happy for months to come.  Thankfully I was thorough enough with my conditioning that all but one stem cooperated.  (At $6/stem wholesale the stakes were high).  Hydrangeas hate Utah, friends.  Almost as much as I hate being a blubbering, mushy-brained, bloodshot-eyed mess.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012


Geberas and me, we don't really get along.  But every single one of my sisters-in-law love them.  (I have 6, and one unmarried brother, so maybe 7 someday.)  When my husband's sister asked me to make an arrangement for her company's booth at a women's expo she said she wanted it cheerful and she loves geberas.  It doesn't get much more cheerful than this, these ladies are about to break out in song with "All in the Golden Afternoon."  (Then perhaps spitefully dump dew on me - I told you it's a tenuous relationship)

Karsen's Flowers

Karsen's Flowers

Karsen's Flowers

I got to practice using molucella (bells of ireland) as a basing material here - it's an awesome fun unexpected texture down there.

Karsen's Flowers

Saturday, April 14, 2012

spray paint

I failed to get any real photos - but I had fun playing with floral spray paint putting together some mini-arrangements for my 30th birthday party.  I sprayed some seeded eucalyptus gold and some leukodendron black and felt fairly fancy by the time I was done.


Thursday, March 15, 2012

on a stick

family dinner display

I made these centerpieces for a display in a conference last weekend.  (Theme: Family Dinner)  I used some brass candle-holders that I found at a thrift store and contrived a cup to suspend some floral foam on top.  I couldn't afford an impressive array of flowers, but I'm still pretty pleased with how my mechanics held up.  There will most definitely be more elevated arrangements and repurposed items-as-containers in my future.

family dinner display

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Boutonniere of the moment

I've been challenging myself to do some speed arranging.  I must get faster at boutonnieres, and the only way is to practice!

boutonniere - camp

I ought to call this guy "foraging in winter".  Because, that's pretty much what he is.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

I appear to be hired

stake conf flowers

 Another alter piece for Stake conference.  (See the last one).  Scaled back on size this time, and found a much easier way to suspend it.  Practice, I tell you, makes perfect.

stake conference flowers

Saturday, February 18, 2012


davis wedding

I spent today at a church doing a wedding.  I'm getting tentatively acquainted with the "cultural hall" venue and all it's limitations.  (Pros: free venue; Cons: it's a no-frills basketball court)  It's a fact of life if you're going to be involved in weddings in Utah.

davis wedding

But for this couple, considering it was a second marriage for both parties, and there were legions of relatives to invite, it was the best fit.

  davis wedding

Hopefully I managed to make someone forget, for just a moment, that there was a big orange hoop overhead.

davis wedding

(I don't have a photo of the groom, but the bride with her oldest two children makes everyone look twice.  Yes, she is old enough to have kids in college!  No, it's not fair that she looks young enough to pass for a college student herself!)

Friday, February 17, 2012


 The Fire and Ice inspiration shoot is featured over at Magnifique today.  Such a cool concept; it was fun to design something so stylized.  Have a look over here.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Fire and Ice

I was asked by my friend Terra at Magnifique Photography to come up with bouquets for a "Fire and Ice" bridal shoot.  Total creative free reign.  I'm excited to get some sparkly, perfect pictures from the shoot amidst ice sculptures.  I had as much fun as I could afford with that one, and planning and executing it has eaten up most of my spare moments in the last week or two.  But isn't it nice (as a mom) to create something so concrete and tangible?  Every so often, having something to show for all your work is really a nice change.

Speaking of which - nobody come over until I get my house put back together.

  bouquets for fire and ice shoot

bouquets for fire and ice shoot


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